Lord Byron

                   1788-1824, one of the great English romantic poets. In
                   his life and in his poetry, Lord Byron epitomizes

                   Born with a clubfoot, he grew to be a
                   dark, handsome man, beloved by, but contemptuous of,
                   women. When an early work, Hours of Idleness (1807),
                   was ridiculed by the Edinburgh Review, he replied with
                   English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (1809), a satire that
                   made him famous.

                   His many love affairs before and after
                   his ill-fated marriage (1815-16) to Anne Isabella
                   Milbanke (notably with Lady Caroline Lamb, wife of
                   Viscount MELBOURNE, and Claire Clairmont,
                   SHELLEY's sister-in-law) made him notorious.

                   Byron settled in Venice in 1817. After wandering restlessly
                   about Europe, he died working for Greek independence.
                   Byron's writings include long romances and stories in
                   verse, e.g., Childe Harold (1812-18), The Bride of
                   Abydos (1813), The Corsair (1814), Manfred (1817),
                   Beppo (1818), and Mazeppa (1819); shorter works such
                   as The Prisoner of Chillon; and lyrics. His masterpiece is
                   Don Juan (1819-24), an epic-satire.


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